Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Lay By Me

People say this is amazing.  Who am I to disagree?  Months ago when I heard this song in the cold of winter, live at a show in Memphis I was thinking...hey I'm going to ask this guy to sing this song at my wedding.  Well, I probably should have asked then and booked in advance because by the time I get married, he'll be fighting Kanye on stage to take home his moon man award at the MTV VMAs.  Just hide and watch.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Columbus Day

We should get Columbus Day off if we're not getting 9/11 off...we should actually get 9/11 off...not to celebrate but to remember. Some holidays are not to celebrate but to give us time to spend with family. Some of my schools still get Columbus day off but I don't think we should celebrate Columbus anymore since we are smarter as a country than we were when I was growing up and we know Columbus didn't actually do anything that awesome. We should definitely have Native American day in its place...and also add 9/11 to our holidays. If this seems like I'm just thinking out loud well that's because that's just what this is. I had no topic until I opened this window and they were discussing Columbus day on the news. In other news, Republicans are trying to keep us from getting Obamacare which is dumb. Since I know so many sick people who probably wouldn't have been nearly as sick if they could have accessed preventative care, I would like them to be able to access health care in the future. If you have the money/job to have health care, you are lucky/blessed but not trying to help others have what you have makes you not very nice in my book. You are not better than them because you got lucky. In other other news, my brother and his wife Lea are in the country. The country is shut down so they can't see half of the places they had planned to see but I believe in taking the path less traveled anyway. Whenever I go to NYC, I actually prefer to eat in Queens, and hang in Brooklyn. For people who work in Vocational Rehabilitation, here's a good link explaining informed choice because I don't think Mississippi has one: I found that site today while researching the effects of Obamacare on our VR jobs. I see very little reason for concern. They should let me work on problems like this at work(as long as I don't have to do the public speaking part). I think if I could/would move to Madison and there was a job called "float around and spew ideas and collaborate with people" I would excel at that. I love to work with the high school students though which is my job now. Nothing touches my heart like seeing a young person get a job they are going to love and knowing you helped even if it was just a little help. In other other other news, I think I really need off for Columbus day because I'm exhausted but I really can't miss ASL class because I think sign language is ultra cool and I reiterate Columbus is NOT special. Here's some pics from my RAM trip to Biloxi of Amber Graves, Harriet and Mike Kemp, and Jennifer Taylor. Randy wouldn't come out with us. This is my cat Snowflake.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Discussions at Work

Today we discussed how Jennifer has ghosts in her house she brought home from work & how she plans to make them fold clothes.